AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, addresses, company names, signatures, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.
What does AutoTextTyper require to run?
AutoTextTyper should run on any Power Macintosh running Mac OS 8.1 or later. AutoTextTyper works great with Mac OS 9.0. The contextual menu features only work in software that supports contextual menus. Hot keys can be used in any application though.
How do I use AutoTextTyper?
To install, drag AutoTextTyper to your System Folder (the Finder will automatically place it in the Contextual Menu Items folder) and restart. Once restarted, control-clicking in any contextual menu-aware application (e.g. Finder, Claris Emailer, Internet Explorer, etc.) will show the contextual menu with a new "AutoTextTyper" sub-menu. You can use the AutoTextTyper sub-menu to add, edit, remove, and use macros.
Adding Macros:
To add a macro, select "Add Macro" from the AutoTextTyper menu. You will be presented with a dialog allowing you to enter a name for the macro, an optional hot key, and the text to type when the macro is invoked. Once you enter this information, click OK and the macro will be added to the AutoTextTyper menu.
Using Macros:
To use a macro that you have previously added, just select it from the AutoTextTyper menu or type the hot key you gave to the macro and it will be typed automatically.
How do I pay for AutoTextTyper?
See the document included with AutoTextTyper titled "How Do I Pay?". If that document is missing, go to our web site at and click on the "Register" button or run the "Register" program that should have come with AutoTextTyper. If all else fails, e-mail Chaotic Software at and we're help.
Can I distribute AutoTextTyper?
Yes, please do! You may distribute this application as long as you include the full package and do not charge for it. Reasonable media and distribution costs excluded. We want as many people to get this as possible.
What other software has Chaotic Software produced?
AutoTextTyper • Types frequently used text with a hot key or contextual menu click. $10 Shareware.
BioAssistant • A tool for PCR chemists who develop DNA probe sequences. $15 Shareware.
Drop•Attribute • Fast and simple Type/Creator/Attribute Changer. $10 Shareware
Drop•Rename • A powerful file renaming tool. $10 Shareware.
FlavorSavers • The ultimate iMac screensaver. $20 Shareware.
MacArmyKnife • The swiss army knife of Macintosh utilities. $15 Shareware.
Manipulator • The ultimate file manipulation utility. $20 Shareware.
MP3 Rage • The ultimate MP3 tool. Plays, edits, organizes, renames, etc. $20 Shareware.
Nag • A flexible personal scheduling application. $10 Shareware.
NetClip • Share clipboards over an intranet or the Internet. $20 Shareware.
NOVA • The ultimate Macintosh screensaver. Stable and full-featured! $20 Shareware.
Probe Assistant • A tool for PCR chemists who develop DNA probe sequences. $10 Shareware.
QuickMovie • Make QuickTime movies out of a series of images. $10 Shareware.
Web Devil • Suck down web sites without the need of a memory hoggin' browser! $20 Shareware.
Web Timer • Suck down a single URL repeatedly! Great for webcam monitoring. $10 Shareware.
Web Watcher • Watches your favorite web sites and notifies you when they change. $20 Shareware.
How do I contact Chaotic Software?
For help or information about this application and/or Chaotic Software, send mail to
For information about Kagi Shareware and/or the Register application, send mail to
You can also check out our web site at: